Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Raising a Gender, Religion, Race, Ethnicity, Truth, Language, and Species Neutral Animal

Disclaimer: This is fictional satire!!!

My others and I have chosen to raise our young animal to be ready for whatever may come in its future. When the time comes, it will be free to choose not only its gender but also its religion, race, ethnicity, truth, language, and species. Here are a few of the choices we have made to ensure this outcome:
When it was born, my others and I asked the doctor to not label it male, female, lesbian, gay, bi, trans or any of the other 30 or so genders available.  We chose rather to have it delivered into the hands of our nanperson, who has strict instructions to refer to it as it and to keep any-and-all genitalia covered in our presence, lest we be tempted to prejudice our child toward a particular gender choice. 
We have elected to leave our young animal nameless. This should prevent several lurid possibilities. For instance: historically, whatever name a young animal receives, can, in future decades, become associated with one gender or another, thus preventing it from making that life changing decision when it finds itself attracted to other animals of undetermined gender. Then, in all-wise adolescence, the bunch of them can sort it out together.
Names from literature or alleged “scriptures” burden a young animal with fantastic aspirations. Names, derived from mythical gods, "saints," or creatures, cause it to question naturalistic and scientific reason.
A young animal should not be given a name associated with an ethnicity, language, or race. Ancestry, like religion, should be a matter of individual choice and not related to “family” tradition or physical traits at birth. We have elected to allow no speech in the young animal’s presence.  Speaking any language implies national and regional affiliations and historical “truths”, thus preventing the young animal from making unfettered choices on its own, not to mention inflicting upon it the notion that human beings are somehow superior to other animal species.

We are allowing our “tabula rasa” to remain rasa. With nothing written in stone, it can, like the Universe around us, generate itself from nothing.

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