Sunday, September 4, 2011


      Someone posted a letter on my Facebook page supposedly written to Dr. Laura Schlesinger in response to her support of the Biblical statement that homosexuality is an “abomination.” After fact-checking, I found that the letter has been around since at least 2000 and has been attributed to any number of authors. Its intended recipient could be anyone from President Bush to at least one Catholic Bishop.
      The letter takes several Bible passages out of context and posits ten questions designed to prove that Bible teachings are essentially ludicrous.
      Frankly, it does a pretty good job, especially if the reader is ignorant of the teachings of Christ and the purpose of the Old Testament Law.
      The Bible, when viewed as a list of dos and don’ts, becomes an arbitrary obstacle course to a pie in the sky by and by. Why would God disallow a person with a birth defect from being a priest or declare women to be unclean once a month?
      Every Bible passage needs to be viewed in the light of Christ and his grace which replaces laws that could not save but did reveal the holiness of God and the nature of sin.
      So what does the Bible say about homosexuality? It says it is an abomination. I’m not sure I know what that means--not just the meaning of the word, but what I need to say to anyone who chooses to practice homosexual behavior. But I know I am to love them and treat them as I would be treated, and I know that Godliness is not a matter of law.

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