Monday, August 11, 2014

Israel vs. God's People

Many of my Christian brothers and sisters are somehow convinced that the modern state of Israel is the equivalent of the children of Israel in the Old Testament and thus uniquely authorized by God to demand and receive military and political aid, privileges, and concessions. They also believe God will, at the return of Christ, reestablish the theocracy that was Israel 2000 years ago, complete with temple worship and animal sacrifices. To those brothers and sisters I say with the prophet Isaiah, “Come let us reason together.”
Let us assume, for the sake of argument, that God has a vested interest in the physical existence of the essentially atheistic, militaristic, geopolitical state of modern day Israel. Let us assume that God is therefore on their side politically and militarily. My question is this. If God is intent on establishing an earthly kingdom with headquarters in Jerusalem, does the Ruler of the universe need special concessions , military aid and financial help?
And, if the state of Israel is “God’s People” to whom all of Biblical prophecy applies,  what am I, chopped liver?

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